Solidariedade internacional a militante da Esquerda Marxista ameaçado por hacker

Segue abaixo algumas das mensagens de solidariedade que recebemos diante dos ataques sofridos por Johannes Halter, dirigente da Esquerda Marxista. Na ocasião, um hacker ameaçou divulgar dados pessoais de Halter e de seus familiares, caso não tirasse do ar a página de Instagram da Esquerda Marxista, que ele administra. Para mais detalhes, leia nota publicada pela Esquerda Marxista.

CMI Argentina

Renato Cinco (vereador pelo PSOL no Rio de Janeiro)

RUA – Juventude Anticapitalista

Assunto: Solidarity from Lal Salaam, Pakistan!
Data: 2020-09-16 08:23
De: Xeeshan Khan

Hey! We from Lal Salaam, the Pakistani section of the IMT, stand with you. Our forces will not stop untill the whole world turns into a Just society.

Assunto: Solidarity from Sweden
Data: 2020-09-16 08:44
De: Niki Brodin Larsson


I recently read about the attack on comrade Johannes Halter by an anonymous hacker, and want to send my complete solidarity!

We will translate and share the article on our website and on social media here in Sweden as well.

An injury to one is an injury to all!

Niki Brodin
Revolution, IMT Sweden

Assunto: Solidarity
Data: 2020-09-16 09:02
De: Andy de Emmony

Support to you comrades, we are behind you in the struggle
Andy de Emmony

Assunto: Solidarity
Data: 2020-09-16 09:46
De: Alexander Frederick Roth

I am saddened and angered by what you and your family has been subjected
to. Please accept my sincerest well wishes, we will fight for you in
whatever way we can!


Alexander Frederick Roth

Assunto: Good afternoon Comrades
Data: 2020-09-16 09:44
De: Hossam Fouad

الحدود تراب والنضال واحد
This is Comrade Farag from Egyptian section,
The sentence in Arabic means borders are just dust and the Struggle is ONE.
All our support & hearts for you, our comrades in Brazil,
Be sure that with every attack on you, it’s a practical evidence that you are doing great on the path of the struggle & should motivate you even more,
Hopefully one day we would all celebrate the end of Capitalism
Be the main reason for the fall of the political ruling class all over the world.

You are not Alone.

Assunto: Solidarity
Data: 2020-09-16 12:34
De: “roland”

Herby we declare our solidarity with the Brazilian comrades. For the right to freedom of expression and organization.

Vanderbeke Roland militant ACOD OVERHEIDSDIENSTEN W.VL.(Union off all public sector workers Belgium )

Assunto: Solidarity from Minnesota
Data: 2020-09-16 14:24
De: karenand john

We stand with you comrades.
We will not be silenced.
John & Karen Schraufnagel
St. Paul, Minnesota, USA

Assunto: Solidarity with Esquerda Marxista!
Data: 2020-09-16 16:23
De: Thomas Trottier


We stand united with Esquerda Marxista, Comrade Johannes Halter and his family against this vicious attack by the right-wing and their agents. This “hacker” wanted the Instagram page to be shut down. Some people think that they can silence Marixists with threats and attacks. This is NOT the case!

Whenever a comrade is threatened or attacked, we will stand up and show that we can not be intimidated. We will publicise this threat. We will let the broader labor movement and all those who struggle for democratic rights know about this.

The Comrades below are members of labor unions in the United States. They will let this be known in the trade unions and among their fellow workers.

No to threats and Intimidation! No to Blackmail!

All support for Comrade Johannes Halter & his family!

Long Live the IMT! Long LIve Esquerda Marxista!

In Solidarity,


Tom Trottier, member of the Organization of Staff Analysts (Retired)(OSA) (New York City, New York) (personal capacity)
Sam Swartz, member of SEIU Local 1199 (NYC, NY) (Retired) (personal capacity)
Alfredo Pena, member of AFSCME DC 37, Local 154 (NYC, NY) (Retired) (personal capacity)
John Peterson, member of CWA Local 37002 (NYC, NY) (personal capacity)
Antonio Balmer, member of CWA Local 37002 (NYC, NY) (personal capacity)
Pete Walsh, member of CWA Local 37002 (NYC, NY) (personal capacity)
Mark Rahman, member of CWA Local 37002 (New Jersey) (personal capacity)
Jonathan Lange, member of NWU (National Writers Union, Philadelphia, PA.) (personal capacity)
Jack O’Dowd, member of Seafarers International Union (NJ) (personal capacity)
Dave May, member of NALC, Branch 5847 (National Association of Letter Carriers) (St. Louis, Mo. Metro area) (personal capacity)
Josh Lucker, member of Southwestern Illinois College Faculty Union Local 041830, part of IFT/AFT (American Federation of Teachers); Adjunct Faculty Union of Southwestern Illinois College Local 6270, part of IFT/AFT; (personal capacity for both unions)
Stefanie Reis, Massachusetts Nursing Union (Boston) (personal capacity)
Chris Persampieri, member of NALC Local 18, (National Association of Letter Carriers), (Boston) (personal capacity)
Rob Mirabito, Carpenters Union, Local 327, (Boston) (personal capacity)
Justin Deters, WGWU Washington University Graduate Workers Union, (St. Louis Metro area)
Nate Brown, Wesport Federation of Teachers, AFT (Massachuesttes)
Chris Hill, UDW-AFSCME Local 3930, California, (ID: 1539430) (personal capacity)

Assunto: Soli
Data: 2020-09-16 16:59


Solidarity from Militant Left comrades in Belfast, Ireland.

Pádraig Mulholland

Assunto: solidariedade
Data: 2020-09-16 17:30
De: Victor Dale


Very sorry to hear of the recent Internet attack on our Comrades in Brazil.

This must be a worrying time for you and if it is any consolation we
here in the UK are solidly with you and will follow your posts on this
troubling question.

I am certain that if there is anything you need to help you over this
difficulty our Comrades will eagerly respond.

Yours in International Solidarity and Comradeship

Vic Dale British Section IMT, CC Member

Assunto: Solidarity
Data: 2020-09-16 20:01
De: Kyle Baker

Solidarity from St. Louis, USA. They may hack our computers, but they can’t hack our ideas.

Assunto: From pakistan
Data: 2020-09-16 20:24
De: ubaid zubair

Long live socilism.
Long live struggle.
Worker of the world unite.
We have nothing for lose but our chains. step farward comrades that coward acts could not stop our struggle.

Assunto: Solidarity
Data: 2020-09-16 22:40
De: Marc Raab

I am with you in any way that I can. Don’t hesitate to call on any of us if need be. When one is attacked, all are attacked.
Marc R

Assunto: Keep your head up Comrade!
Data: 2020-09-16 22:01
De: Britney Byrd

Assunto: Solidarity to Johannes!
Data: 2020-09-16 23:11
De: Jean D

Just read the article, sending a solidarity message. Let me know if there’s anything more I can do to help.

Assunto: In solidarity
Data: 2020-09-17 00:37
De: Lauren Trask

Greetings comrades,

I learned of the recent personal and family threats towards comrade Johannes Hulter. I’m sending my full support to comrade Hulter and Esquerda Marxista.

In solidarity,

Lauren Trask
US section of the IMT- Bay Branch

Assunto: Solidarity!
Data: 2020-09-16 23:50
De: Arman Ebrahimi

Hello comrades,

Greetings from Minneapolis, USA, the heart of the movement against racism and police brutality! I send my solidarity to Esquerda Marxista, and specifically to comrade Johannes Halter, who have been threatened by the “hacker” coward. You comrades have been brave and used the best weapon we have to combat these reactionaries: spreading the news and rallying all sympathetic forces to the cause. I am a member of the Minneapolis branch of the IMT, and I am duty bound by internationalism to aid the cause of the comrades in Brazil. I will share this information on social media as well. If there is more I can do, please let me know.


Arman Ebrahimi

Assunto: In Solidarity
Data: 2020-09-17 07:36
De: Lettermark

I admire your courage in the face of the threats you are facing. As a parent, I can’t imagine how difficult these times may be.

Assunto: Solidarity from NYC
Data: 2020-09-17 08:09
De: “L.D Libra”

Sending solidarity from your NYC comrades! We struggle together. Let us know if we can help directly in any way.

Assunto: Message of Solidarity to The Brazilian Comrades from Taiwan 致巴西支部同志們的聲援信
Data: 2020-09-17 08:56
De: 火花 -台灣IMT

To the comrades at Esquerda Marxista (IMT Brazil):

We here at the Spark (IMT Taiwan) send our salutations to you all. We stand with comrade Johannes Halter, his family, and all comrades of the Brazilian section in opposing the attack on revolutionaries from the reactionaries. We at the same time condemn the harassments against Livraria Marxista on the part of the Brazilian police.

Workers of the world, unite!


The Spark – IMT Taiwan

致巴西「馬克思主義左翼」(IMT 巴西支部)的同志們:

我們火花向諸位致敬,並與Johannes Halter同志、其親友、以及所有巴西支部同志們站在同一陣線,一起對抗反動勢力對革命家發動的攻勢。我們也同時嚴正譴責巴西警方對《馬克思主義叢書》書店的騷擾。


火花 – IMT台灣 謹啟

Assunto: Solidarity from New York!
Data: 2020-09-17 10:46
De: Bryce Gordon

Hi Comrades,

I’m a member of the United States section, and I just wanted to write quickly to express solidarity to comrade Johannes, to the comrade’s family, and to the Brazilian section as a whole. Comrades in the United States are fully behind this effort to denounce this reactionary attack, and the IMT will not accept this attempt at intimidation.

Long live Esquerda Marxista!


Assunto: Solidaridad internacional
Data: 2020-09-17 11:48
De: Der Funke

Queridos compañeros de la sección brasileña:
Desde la sección suiza de la CMI queremos mostrar todo nuestro apoyo ante las amenazas que ha recibido Esquerda Marxista. Denunciamos el claro ataque a nuestra libertad de expresión y de organización, y os mandamos mucho ánimo y cariño para que no retrocedáis ni un solo paso frente a estas acciones coercitivas y repugnantes. No nos dejaremos silenciar.
¡Ni un paso atrás frente a la guerra sucia de la extrema derecha y los secuaces del capitalismo! ¡No pasarán!
¡Viva Esquerda Marxista!
¡Viva la Corriente Marxista Internacional!

Saludos revolucionarios,
Der Funke/L’étincelle, sección suiza de la CMI

Assunto: Solidarity from the United Kingdom
Data: 2020-09-17 13:43
De: R F

Dear Comrades,
I read about the online attack faced by Esquerda Marxista, and would like to send a message of solidarity, to any and all members affected.

Wishing you success,
Rsaal Firoz

Assunto: Solidarity
Data: 2020-09-17 15:21


I stand in solidarity with the Brazilian section, and with its member who was shamelessly attacked, in an attempt to silence the crucial revolutionary activism that your section accomplishes.

I wish you the best and thank you for your strength and hard work.


Yassine from the French section

Assunto: Solidariedade ao camarada Johannes.
Data: 2020-09-17 21:10

Quero prestar toda a minha solidariedade ao camarada Johannes e sua família.

Valter Augusto,militante da Esquerda Marxista.

Assunto: كل التضامن معكم أيها الرفاق.. تحية ثورية ️ ️ ️
Data: 2020-09-18 08:14
De: anass darkaoui

مُرسل من هاتف Huawei الخاص بي

(o texto diz “total solidariedade a vocês, camaradas. Saudações revolucionárias”).

Assunto: Solidarity message
Data: 2020-09-18 08:23
De: Marxy IMT

Dear Comrades of Esquerda Marxista,
I am writing to you to express my full solidarity with you and my severe condemnation to the criminal threats and blackmail against you whatever its source may be.
An injury to one is an injury to all. They will not silence us!
IMT, Morocco

Data: 2020-09-18 12:15
De: The fall covenant

We are against this nefarious intention and are in the field of regular struggle. We stand with you
Lal Salam
From Pakistan

Assunto: Solidarity From Pakistan
Data: 2020-09-18 13:37
De: Saira Bano

Dear Comrades of Esquerda Marxista,

This is Saira Bano from IMT Pakistan’s Karachi region.
I strongly condemn the hacking attack and the threats our comrades are receiving from the fascist regimes.
Be strong. Comrades of Pakistan are with you.

Red Salute

Long live socialist revolution

Assunto: Solidarité !
Data: 2020-09-18 19:46
De: Loann Lemarié

Force et courage à vous camarades !
From france.

Assunto: Solidarity from the greek section
Data: 2020-09-19 03:12
De: Liaks K

Dear comrades

We express our full solidarity to our Brazilian comrades and comrade Johannes Halter against the attacks and threats that he has endured.
As the crisis of capitalism deepens and our organization grows we will increasingly be targeted by individual fascists and the state. Our weapons are our ideas and solidarity.
We are confident that the comrades will arise from this atack strengthened and more determined to build the forces of marxism.

Ilias for the EC of the Greek section

Assunto: Vocês não estão sozinhos!
Data: 2020-09-19 05:18
De: Frederico Castor da Silveira

Li no jornal marxista belga Vonk que nossos irmãos camaradas estão sendo ameaçados pela corja desumana e horrenda dos fascistas.
Nossa luta é justa e nobre, vocês não estão sozinhos.
Nossa solidariedade.

Data: 2020-09-19 13:19
De: Khalid Qayaam

We strongly stand in solidarity with our comrades of the Brazilian section of International Marxist Tendency (Esquerda Marxista). Giving threats to our comrades on internet from some hackers backed by the right wing anti-people political forces.
solidarity with Comrade Johannes Halter and Family
long live IMT
long live Esquerda Marxista

Assunto: From your IMT Comrades (US)
Data: 2020-09-19 22:46
De: Ben McNaughton

Greetings, Esquerda Marxista, from your comrades in North Carolina in the US section of the IMT!

We have recently heard of your troubles with reactionary scum in your area; unfortunately it is the modus operandi of fascist sympathizers to cowardly threaten the families of their enemies and compromise the privacy and security of those who seek to build the necessary forces for a socialist revolution. It goes to show that our ideas are genuine threats.

Our strength lies in our unwillingness to back down, and communication is our greatest weapon. We will not be silenced!

Your Comrades in Solidarity,
Raleigh, NC IMT (US)

Assunto: Solidarity with Johannes Halter!
Data: 2020-09-20 18:34
De: ISU Marxists

The Marxist Organization of Iowa State, and the Ames, Iowa branch of the International Marxist Tendency stands in solidarity with Johannes Halter, his family, and Esquerda Marxista. The fight for the liberation of the workers of Brazil cannot be stopped by petty acts of black mail against our comrades. This cowardly act represents the weakness, and spinelessness of the Brazialian reactionaries. They assume that, because they are terrified of their own politics being publicised, their enemies are equally spineless. This is not the case. They fear the masses. We embrace them as the only people capable of changing society once and for all. In the words of Karl Marx: “Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims”.

Solidariedade com Johannes Halter!

Solidariedade com Esquerda Marxista!

Solidariedade com os trabalhadores do Brasil!

HK for the AIA branch

Assunto: Solidarity
Data: 2020-09-20 19:56
De: Brandon Whitfield

Hello comrades. I hope you guys are staying strong in the face of repression. The attacks that your section is going through is beyond disgusting but this unfortunately is the consequences of fighting for Marxism. I am new to the organization as I have only been here for around 5-6 months so I am not certain how frequent these attacks are but in my short time I have encountered two incredibly dangerous situations our comrades have been put in. I send this message in hoping to show my Brazilian comrades that we are here together and I look forward to when we can get together. I don’t know how perfect this translation is but paz e saúde and socialismo em nossa vida!!!

Assunto: Solidarity against Cyber Attacks
Data: 2020-09-22 10:02
De: Donovan G

Hi comrades,

Extending my solidarity to you, keep up the good fight! History is on our side!

Donovan Ritch
Canadian Freelance Union – Unifor